Our Team

  • Patti Ledesma

    Patti has quilted professionally since 2009. Since the establishment of her quilting business, Spurgeon Creek Quiltworks, she has enjoyed various outreach activities in the community where she works and lives, sharing her love of sewing and quilting. This passion, shared by Patti and Cat Wallace, are the foundation and driving force behind Love Covers. Through participation in numerous sewing events with women from various backgrounds, it became increasingly clear that a nonprofit not only dedicated to teaching the practical aspects of sewing, but one that fosters relationships and creates community, would fill a unique need in our communities. Welcome to Love Covers.

  • Cat Wallace

    Cathleen (Cat) Wallace has been sewing since she was a teen. In the 90’s she taught beginning sewing at House of Fabrics in Southern California and owned a sewing business making special occasion dresses. In 2016 she began Longarm quilting and soon after began quilting for others with a focus on free motion custom quilting. Cat also served on the Board of the Inland Empire Modern Quilt Guild in Southern California for several years and is happy to serve on the Board for Love Covers.

  • Sara Campbell

    Sara comes to Love Covers with little non-profit background, intermediate sewing knowledge but unbridled enthusiasm for encouraging others. Through a 20+ year career serving people with disabilities and half a dozen years volunteering for animal rescue and shelters she found that most of her happiness comes from working with/and for others who may need a little support to reach their goals.
    In 2020 she realized her goal of purchasing her own longarm machine and laughingly refers to herself as a "wannabe" longarm quilter. Sara welcomes opportunities to meet new people interested in sewing crafts no matter their experience or background. She is proud to be associated with Love Covers and will greet each guest with a ready smile and open heart.

  • Kim Bradeen

    Kim learned the basics of sewing in high school, though she decided to take up other hobbies, later in life she watched her mother sew and quilt and was inspired. Kim purchased her first sewing machine in 2020 and has been creating ever since.
    Kim has learned so much while working on projects with the women of Love Covers. These women are patient, kind and so encouraging. Kim is eager to share that knowledge, kindness, passion and encouragement with others. Kim is so honored to serve on the Love Covers board.

  • Suzie Tibbetts

    Suzie discovered that sewing brought warmth and community to the long winters while living in Alaska with her military family in the early 2000s. Many communities later, she still finds warmth and community in collaborating with others around sewing. Suzie began a free motion quilting journey in 2021 that led to the purchase of a long arm in 2022. It is her great joy to use those tools to create for others. Suzie served on the board of the Quiltmakers of Olympia for several years and is delighted to serve on the board of Love Covers.

  • Janet Mayer

    Janet loves sewing. It is creative, challenging, and fun. Janet learned to sew at 9 years old, and spent a lot of time learning from a neighbor who lovingly taught her the beginnings. In high school, Janet ventured out on her own by making her own clothing. As an adult, she found quilting to be a new adventure and learned the importance of accuracy in sewing and cutting. Janet ran a successful alterations business from her home, and while she’s retired now, she still enjoys sewing for herself and the community. Janet enjoys the challenge of learning new techniques and skills, but remains convinced that the friendships developed around sewing machines are the best.